
[BG] Tariff for Compensation of Airtime for Referendum Campaign

IRIS 2013-2:1/13

Rayna Nikolova

New Bulgarian University

On 27 January 2013, a national referendum will be held in Bulgaria regarding the question of development of nuclear energy in Bulgaria i.e. the construction of a new nuclear power plant. The Bulgarian public broadcaster Българска национална телевизия (Bulgarian National Television - BNT) is obliged to broadcast an informative and explanatory campaign for the referendum. To that end, a tariff has been published ("Official Gazette", issue 103, 28/12/2012 Decree № 335 of 20 December 2012). It determines the rates of compensation for the Bulgarian National Television in view of the referendum coverage in its programmes.

The compensation for coverage in BNT’s channels stipulates airtime minute rates ranging from 100 BGN (≈ 51 Euro) to 2,800 BGN (≈ 1,430 Euro). The amount depends on the TV channel broadcasting (highest amounts for airtime on the main channel BNT 1), the time of transmission (highest amounts for the period from 20.00 to 22.00) and the form of the coverage (highest amounts for reports and lowest amounts for debates).

For information about the compensation of media coverage of local elections in Bulgaria see IRIS 2007-9/8.


  • Тарифа, по която се заплащат предаванията по Българската национална телевизия и Българското национално радио и техните регионални центрове в рамките на информационно-разяснителната кампания за националния референдум на 27 януари 2013 г.
  • http://dv.parliament.bg/DVWeb/showMaterialDV.jsp;jsessionid=50ED440D9B00CC3A565DA8C2D35FD18C?idMat=71576
  • Tariff at which the programs are paid on the Bulgarian National Television and the Bulgarian National Radio and their regional centers within the information and explanatory campaign for a national referendum on 27 January 2013

Related articles

IRIS 2007-9:1/8 [BG] Media Coverage of Local Elections

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.