[IT] Amendments to Agcom DTT Regulation
IRIS 2012-10:1/17
Angela Creta
Sapienza University of Rome
On 2 August 2012, by Deliberation no 350/12/CONS, the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority - Agcom) has amended the Regulation on Digital Terrestrial Television adopted by Deliberation no. 353/11/CONS (see IRIS 2011-10/28). The amendments concern the requirements of share capital and the number of employees for the release of authorizations during the switch-over period and after switch off and the types of companies that may be holders of authorizations.
- Delibera n. 350/12/CONS, Modifiche al regolamento relativo alla radiodiffusione televisiva terrestre in tecnica digitale approvato con delibera n. 353/11/CONS
- Deliberation no. 350/12/CONS, Amendments to the Regulation on Digital Terrestrial Television approved by Resolution no. 353/11/CONS
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This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.