
[BG] Reporting on Election Campaigns by Radio and Television Broadcasters

IRIS 2011-10:1/10

Rayna Nikolova

New Bulgarian University

On 2 September 2011 the Central Election Commission, on the grounds of the Bulgarian Election Code presently in effect, adopted a resolution on the terms and conditions on which radio and television broadcasters shall report on the election campaigns for president and vice-president and municipal councils and mayors to be held on 23 October 2011.

In summary the resolution contains the following rules:

1. The Bulgarian National Television (“BNT”) and the Bulgarian National Radio (“BNR”) shall report the election campaign in the form of statements, video clips, disputes, briefs, chronicles and other means. The managements of the BNT and BNR are obliged to adhere to the principles of equality and impartiality in reporting the campaigns of the candidates, the political parties, coalitions and initiative committees during the broadcast programmes.

2. In the programmes of BNT and BNR dedicated to the election campaign it is forbidden to use elements of commercial advertising. Nor is it permitted for candidates and representatives of political parties, coalitions and initiative committees to participate in commercial advertising. Furthermore, it is prohibited to include in commercial advertising political manipulation in favour of or against participants in the election.

3. The other broadcasters (except BNT and BNR) may also report on the election campaigns of the parties, coalitions and initiative committees in their programmes on equal terms and prices. The terms and conditions for broadcasting the election campaign and the tariffs should be published on the Internet sites of the broadcasters not later than 12 September 2011, i.e., 40 days prior to the polling day. The terms and conditions, as well as the applicable tariffs, should be presented to the Audit Chamber and the Central Election Commission (in the case of electronic media with national coverage) and to the Municipal Election Commissions (in the case of electronic media with regional and local coverage) not later than 12 September 2011, i.e., 10 days prior to the start of the election broadcasts.

4. From the day prior to the polling day (22 October 2011) until the official end of the polling day (21.00h on 23 October 2011) it is forbidden for the electronic media to broadcast any election polls, including any via hidden or abstract means. The outcome of exit polls can be aired after 19.00h on 23 October 2011.

5. In the case of broadcasting a programme that has infringed the rights or reputation of a candidate or a representative of a party, coalition or initiative committee, the offended person is entitled to a right of reply in accordance with Art. 18 of the Radio and Television Act.


  • РЕШЕНИЕ№ 656-ПВР/МИ, София, 02.09.2011, ОТНОСНО: предизборната кампания по радио- и телевизионните оператори в изборите за президент и вицепрезидент на републиката и в изборите за общински съветници и кметове на 23 октомври 2011 г.
  • http://www.cik.bg/?resh=864

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.