
[SE] Broadcasting Commission reports on TV3

IRIS 1996-9:1/29

Helene Hillerström


The Swedish Broadcasting Commission has examined TV3, a Swedish satellite TV broadcaster established in United Kingdom. Due to its establishment in London, TV3 comes under the supervision of the Independent Television Commission (ITC). Earlier, The Swedish Broadcasting Commission considered the Swedish Satellite Act as not applicable to TV3 ( see IRIS 1995-10: 11). Despite this, the Commission has now reported to the Swedish Government about TV3's broadcasts from the UK aiming at the Swedish audience. In a special report to the Ministry of Culture the Broadcasting Commission examines whether the activities of TV3 are in line with the `Television without Frontiers' Directive. The Broadcasting Commission also makes some comparative statements on the provisions in the Swedish Satellite Act that implement the `Television without Frontiers' Directive. The report covers a period of examination from 19-22 October 1995. The Commission finds that during this period, TV3's broadcasts were in breach of the `Television without Frontiers' Directive on the following points:

- About 40% of the advertising breaks were not clearly recognizable and not separated from the programmes in accordance with Article 10. The Commission noted, however, that since November 1995, according to TV3, its policy in regard to advertising breaks has changed, meaning that presently all breaks would be clearly and readily recognizable;

- About 30% of the commercials during the period were interrupting programmes in breach of Article 11 par 1;

- Some commercials aimed at childrens were deemed to be in breach of Article 16 since they encouraged minors to purchase what ;

- Some of the sponsorship billboards were not presented in accordance with Article 17. The Commission found billboards which it deemed to provide a commercial pay-off similar to an advertisement. The Commission also found bumper credits (aural and/or visual sponsorship credits entering or leaving commercial breaks) due to the big amount of breaks and due to the commercial pay-off in them. The Commission noted though that bumper credits are allowed in the ITC Code of Programme Sponsorship;

- The children series Power Rangers (as well as one trailer for the serie) was found to contain violence in breach of Article 22. The Commission makes a comparison in the report with the equivalent rule in Swedish legislation where a broadcaster has to pay special attention to the impact of television as a medium and therefore be careful with violence in programming. (The Commission earlier this year found TV4, a Swedish terrestial broadcaster, breaching this rule when showing Batman Saturday mornings.) In TV3's reply to the report of the Commission it underlines that the policy of advertisements in all respects (recognizible commercial breaks, the amount of breaks and children advertisements) follows the rules of the ITC. The same applies for the sponsorship billboards and bumper credits. TV3 has also replied that the channel has a well defined policy regarding violence since the end of 1995 and that the series Power Rangers is not broadcast anymore.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.