
[IT] AGCOM Launches Public Consultation on Digital Television Dividend

IRIS 2011-5:1/29

Ana Perdigao

Biontino Consultants

On 24 March 2011, AGCOM launched a public consultation on the deliberations of the authority that lays down the procedure for assigning the frequencies of the digital television dividend and for the other frequencies available for broadband mobile systems.

This also includes the rules that ensure efficiency and conditions for competition in the use of radio spectrum.

The deliberation proposes rules that are beneficial for the whole mobile electronic communications sector.

It sets out the conditions for the entry of new competitors into the mobile market, including the best conditions possible for selecting the quantity and the type of frequencies necessary to meet the various needs of different business while reaping the benefits from the synergy between the different bands in the auction.

This aims to follow the objectives of the digital agenda.

Several proposals focus on the need for efficient use of the spectrum, with the possibility of leasing the spectrum, wholesale offers and share of frequencies amongst other issues.

Some discounts are possible for those who want to go green.

Those that succeed in the auction will have to follow the principles of Net neutrality in their activities.

The consultation is open for 30 days.


  • Delibera n. 127/11/CONS, Consultazione pubblica sulle procedure e regole per l'assegnazione e l'utilizzo delle frequenze disponibili in banda 800, 1800, 2000 E 2600 MHz per sistemi terrestri di comunicazione elettronica e sulle ulteriori norme per favorire una effettiva concorrenza nell'uso delle altre frequenze mobili a 900, 1800 e 2100 MHz, 24 marzo 2011
  • Delibera n. 127/11/CONS, public consultation on the deliberations of the authority that lays down the procedure for assigning the frequencies of the digital television dividend and for the other frequencies available for broadband mobile systems, 24 March 2011

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.