
[RO] Draft Decision to Amend Statistical Indicators Reported by Electronic Communications Operators

IRIS 2011-4:1/32

Eugen Cojocariu

Radio Romania International

On 3 February 2011 the Autoritatea Naţională pentru Administrare şi Reglementare în Comunicaţii (National Authority for Administration and Regulation in Communications, ANCOM) opened a public consultation on a Draft Decision on amending the way of reporting certain statistical data by providers of public electronic communications networks or of publicly available electronic communications services (see inter alia IRIS 2010-8/43, IRIS 2010-10/37 and IRIS 2011-2/35).

The statistical indicators have to be amended due to evolutions and trends in the Romanian and international electronic communications markets, the appearance of new technologies and services, as well as to some unclear aspects with regard to the information connected to certain indicators.

All providers of public networks with an access at a fixed location shall report on the number of households with cable connection, irrespective of the services provided to the end-users (fixed telephone services, Internet access services, audiovisual programme re-broadcasting). They shall also report on the territorial and population coverage with terrestrial analogue radio, DVB-T and WiMAX networks.

Further, providers of fixed Internet access services shall report on the number of connections, classified by five best-effort speed intervals, separately for each access technology.

ANCOM has introduced new statistical indicators corresponding to the download/upload traffic achieved during the reporting period by end-users of fixed/mobile Internet access services.

When the audiovisual programme re-broadcasting services will become available through terrestrial digital networks, providers shall also have to report the number of subscribers to paid audiovisual programmes through terrestrial digital networks, other than those freely transmitted.

The consultation was closed on 7 March 2011.


  • Proiect de decizie privind raportarea unor date statistice de către furnizorii de reţele sau servicii de comunicaţii electronice destinate publicului
  • Draft Decision on the reporting of certain statistical data by providers of public electronic communications networks or of publicly available electronic communications services

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IRIS 2010-8:1/43 [RO] Communications Networks and Services Authorisation Underway

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This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.