
[FR] France and South Africa Sign Cinematographic Co-production Agreement

IRIS 2010-6:1/29

Amélie Blocman


On 16 May 2010, Frédéric Mitterrand, Minister of Culture and Communication, met his South African counterpart Lulama Xingwana in Cannes, and the two Ministers signed the first ever agreement on cinematographic co-production that will offer films co-produced by France and the Republic of South Africa the possibility of access to the support schemes in operation in both countries. This means that such films will be eligible for the European quotas for broadcasting in television channels, thereby increasing the channels’ interest in the films and possibility of funding them. A new cooperation programme in the field of the arts and culture was also signed, covering the period 2010-2012. The aim of this is to allow a reinforcement of exchanges and skill in the fields of the visual arts, the plastic arts, heritage, the cultural industries, and digitisation. The agreements bear witness to the desire of both Ministers, who had already met last January, to move forward into a new stage in the development of cultural relations between France and the Republic of South Africa. These agreements are all the more important in that South Africa wants to become more involved in African cinema, supported by France.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.