[ES] Royal Decree Regulates Future DTTV Allocation
IRIS 2010-6:1/25
Trinidad García Leiva
Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
On 26 March 2010, in line with Royal Decree 944/2005 and international radio communication regulations (ITU-R WRC 2007), the Spanish Government approved Royal Decree 365/2010. The Decree organises the allocation of digital terrestrial TV (DTTV) multiplexes after the switch-off of analogue terrestrial television. Two phases have been established in order to free the frequency band 790-862 MHz from DTTV services by 1 January 2015.
According to Royal Decree 944/2005, each national commercial broadcaster will be allocated a multiplex after switch-off. The public service corporation, CRTVE, will be assigned two multiplexes (see IRIS 2005-9: 9/15). Since analogue transmissions have ceased as planned (see IRIS 2010-6: 1/24), such capacity will be transitory, allocated for six months within the 470-862 MHz band, currently reserved for broadcasting (channels 21 to 69).
Nevertheless, this first phase will have to be replaced before January 2015 by Phase 2, which will consist of allocating television services to band 470-790 MHz (channels 21 to 60), freeing up sub-band 790-862 MHz (channels 61 to 69).
The Decree emphasises the fact that frequency planning will pursue spectrum saving and efficiency and will occasion as little disruption for consumers as possible. It is expected that the frequencies to be released, best known as the digital dividend, will be allocated for the provision of mobile broadband services.
- Real Decreto 365/2010, de 26 de marzo, por el que se regula la asignación de los múltiples de la Televisión Digital Terrestre tras el cese de las emisiones de televisión terrestre con tecnología analógica. BOE nº 81, 3 de abril de 2010, pp. 30750-30764
- Royal Decree 365/2010 on the allocation of digital terrestrial television multiplexes after analogue switch-off - BOE nº 81, 3 April 2010, pp. 30750-30764
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.