
[DE] Cinema Industry Rejects Full Digitisation Proposal

IRIS 2010-1:1/17

Anne Yliniva-Hoffmann

Institute of European Media Law (EMR), Saarbrücken/Brussels

Representatives of the cinema industry have rejected the offer made by the Filmförderungsanstalt (Film Support Office - FFA) on the initiative of the Federal Commissioner for Culture and Media concerning support for the full digitisation of cinemas in Germany (see IRIS 2009-8:10).

Under the proposal, the FFA would provide start-up funds of up to EUR 40 million for digitisation. In return, the FFA demanded that the cinema industry drop its complaints about the obligation to pay film contributions on the grounds that it infringed the principle of fair contributions, and that it pay the contributions unconditionally (see IRIS 2009-4:7).

However, cinema industry representatives have refused to withdraw their complaints and reservations. As a result, the FFA considers that there is no longer a basis for the proposed agreement.

In order to counter the pending procedure on the constitutionality of the film contributions, the FFA and the Federal Commissioner for Culture and Media have promised to amend the Filmförderungsgesetz (Film Support Act - FFG).


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.