
[DE] Bavaria Provides Digitisation Support

IRIS 2009-9:1/32

Anne Yliniva-Hoffmann

Institute of European Media Law (EMR), Saarbrücken/Brussels

Since there is no federal model for funding the conversion of cinemas to digital screening (see IRIS 2009-8: 10 and IRIS 2010-1: 1), a number of German Länder have set up their own support schemes. One example is Bavaria, where in August 2009 the FilmFernsehFonds Bayern (Bavarian Film and Television Fund - FFF) launched a special scheme for the comprehensive conversion to digital projection.

To this end, cinema owners are to be given grants to help them invest in the necessary technical equipment and in its installation. A grant may be up to 25 % of the costs but no more than EUR 18,000 per screen.

Arthouse and repertory cinemas with up to six screens per establishment as well as cinemas with more screens in localities with up to 50,000 inhabitants are entitled to apply. Annual grants can be made for the conversion of two screens per cinema. Funding is provided for 2K digital projection systems.

The Free State of Bavaria is making subsidies totalling EUR 1 million per year available. These can be combined with other public funding, such as FFA grants.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.