[MT] Consultation Document on the Proper Use of the Maltese Language in the Broadcasting Media
IRIS 2009-7:1/28
Kevin Aquilina
Faculty of Laws, University of Malta
On 28 April 2009, the Malta Broadcasting Authority issued a Consultation Document on the Proper Use of the Maltese Language in the Broadcasting Media. In 2002, the Authority had published a subsidiary law in the form of a Code on the Proper Use of the Maltese Language in the Broadcasting Media. This Code provides guidelines to broadcasters on their responsibility insofar as the correct use of the Maltese language in the broadcasting media is concerned, lists particular responsibilities applying to broadcasting stations and lays down the Broadcasting Authority’s functions in this respect.
Subsequent experience has shown that, even though the Code provided for the implementation of these and other measures favouring the Maltese language, the situation as regards the use of the Maltese language in the broadcasting media has not demonstrated any substantial improvement. As a result, the Broadcasting Authority and the National Council on the Maltese Language decided to appoint a conjoint advisory committee to review the present Code and to draw up proposals for changes to the existing legislation. A Committee of Experts was appointed in August 2008, which concluded its work and presented its report in January 2009. The report contained a draft subsidiary law proposing the making of a new Code on the Proper Use of the Maltese Language in the Broadcasting Media, to replace the existing one.
The recommendations contained in the report are various. The report proposes that each broadcasting station employ a Maltese language consultant, that guidelines of a general nature be approved to assist broadcasters in the execution of their duty to ensure the proper use of the Maltese language, that broadcasters be obliged by law to follow the rules and directives of the National Council on the Maltese Language, that each station produce at least one programme in its programme schedule intended to promote the Maltese language and that the Broadcasting Authority adopt a proactive attitude towards assisting broadcasters in reaching these aims.
The Advisory Committee’s report and the revised new Code, which is being proposed for adoption by the Broadcasting Authority, was the subject of a consultation process that came to an end on 22 May 2009.
- Proċess ta’ Konsultazzjoni Mniedi mill-Awtorità tax-Xandir - L-Użu Tajjeb tal-Ilsien Malti fil-Mezzi tax-Xandir
- Process Consultation Launched by the Broadcasting Authority - The Correct Use of Maltese Language in the Media
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.