
[DE] Federal Government Plans Comprehensive Broadband Strategy

IRIS 2009-3:1/10

Simone Köbe

Institute of European Media Law (EMR), Saarbrücken/Brussels

On 13 January 2009, the Federal Government's Coalition Committee reached an agreement on the details of the so-called "second economic package", which was due to be approved on 18 February 2009. One aspect of the package is a comprehensive broadband strategy, designed to drive forward the expansion of broadband, fill in supply gaps and support the development of high-performance wired and wireless networks.

The broadband strategy focuses particularly on the use of digital dividends, measures to reduce investment costs, aspects of funding and regulation relating to investment and growth. Decisions will also be taken on rapid financial support measures for the expansion of broadband networks. As a result, all German households should be equipped with a properly functioning broadband connection by the end of 2010. High-speed networks should be accessible to 75% of households by 2014 and all households by 2018. The Government's plans were welcomed by the business world; in particular, the possibility of combining different measures is seen as a way of accelerating the process.

Work on a broadband strategy is also under way at European level. The European Commission believes that businesses should support efforts to speed up the renewal and extension of broadband networks in order to close supply gaps, particularly in rural areas.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.