
[FR] CSA Proposals on the Editorial Line Adopted by Channels Belonging to the France Télévisions Group

IRIS 2008-7:1/19

Amélie Blocman


In parallel with the work carried out by the Copé Commission (see IRIS 2008-7: 12), the CSA has been considering the content being offered by public service television against a backdrop of the discussions on an economic model. Its consideration has covered the articulation of the texts applicable to the programmes of the France Télévisions group and the evolution of the editorial lines of the public service channels. The CSA’s thinking, which has been examined a number of times in plenary session, has led it to reaffirm a number of principles that it considers inherent in public service programmes, in a document adopted on 10 June : the aim of attracting a wide audience and determining its level of satisfaction; the need for the public service to propose programmes of all types; the choice of a clear definition of the missions of the public service channels rather than overly quantified obligations. While the CSA considers that, on the whole, the public service group offers a wealth of diversified programmes that marks its specific nature, it nevertheless notes that this offer does not allow a sufficient identification of each channel and sometimes remains underused. On the basis of mainly foreign examples and the example of Radio France, and attaching particular importance to an analysis of the content of the France 2, France 3, France 4 and France 5 channels, the CSA has therefore drawn up recommendations that should make it possible to reinforce the identity of the public service. Nevertheless, in the context of competition that is marked by an evolution that has accelerated and amplified with the launch of new channels on terrestrially-broadcast digital TV, the CSA wishes to draw attention to what it feels are the issues that particularly face the channels in the France Télévisions group – the ageing of their audiences, insufficient perception by viewers of the specific features of each channel, and an outdated framework of legislation and regulations, etc.

In order to provide the public audiovisual sector in France with a boost, the CSA is therefore recommending, firstly, an updating of the framework of its obligations with a view to giving the group more room for manoeuvre. This would be achieved by replacing the contract of objectives and means by a “contract of term of office”, concluded for the duration of the term of office of the Group’s President, and by updating the terms of reference for its missions and duties. The CSA also recommends clarifying editorial positioning, increasing synergies within the France Télévisions group, and revising the system for contributing to production. The CSA is also recommending the improvement of the circulation of programmes within the France Télévisions group and promoting the influence of the public service broadcasters; this would be achieved through use of the new technologies, which should make a substantial contribution to the ambitious objectives assigned to the public service channels.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.