
[NL] Modification of the Dutch Media Act

IRIS 2007-5:1/27

Ewout Jansen

Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam

As of 14 February 2007 an Act amending the Mediawet (Dutch Media Act) has entered into force. The new provisions introduce budget cuts, tougher administrative requirements, a name change and a number of corrections of existing legislation. The text contains an annual budget cut of EUR 11 million (and an additional retroactive EUR 10 million cut for 2006) where the public broadcasters are concerned. Public broadcasters are required to send their annual accounting statements to the Commissariaat voor de Media (Media Authority) at anearlier point in the year than previously. The existing Bedrijfsfonds voor de Media (Media Organisation Fund) aims to maintain a media landscape that reflects a balanced picture of society and of people’s current interests allowing for different views of society, culture and religion. The Fund subsidises various media, and supports relevant research. It has been renamed Stimuleringsfonds voor de Media (the Media Stimulation Fund)in light of the fact that the Fund has moved away from merely supporting media during financially challenging times, and is increasingly active in promoting innovations.


  • Wet van 21 december 2006 tot wijziging van de Mediawet in verband met additionele bezuinigingen op de rijksomroepbijdrage, verbeteringen in de financiële verslaglegging en de naamswijziging van het Bedrijfsfonds voor de pers

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.