
[HR] Register of Electronic Publication Agents

IRIS 2006-8:1/33

Nives Zvonarić

Ministry of Culture, Zagreb, Croatia

Pursuant to section 38, par. 3 of the Electronic Media Act (Official Gazette No. 122/03), the Council for Electronic Media adopted the rules for the content of the application and the manner of administering the Register of Electronic Publication Agents.

The said rules stipulate that the Register of Electronic Publication Agents shall contain information on electronic publication agents and their electronic publications. Electronic publications are defined as programme contents transmitted by natural and/or legal persons by means of information-communicative connection links in such a manner as to make them available to the general public regardless of the volume of such contents.

The Register shall in particular include such electronic publications which may be considered to be audiovisual media services, either in their entirety or in any part thereof; that are moving pictures aimed at the information, education or entertainment of viewers or users. The Register shall not include any electronic publications which are considered private and which are intended for personal communication, such as e-mail messages, sms and mms messages, blogs, other private network pages and like publications.

Electronic publication agents constituted as legal persons shall, prior to the first issuance of their electronic publication, submit an application for registration in the Register maintained with the Council for Electronic Media. Electronic publication agents shall report to the Register of Electronic Media Agents any modification of and/or supplement to the information contained in the application.

Programme contents of electronic publications are subject to the provisions of the Electronic Media Act. Obligations arising from the Electronic Media Act shall be binding upon electronic publication agents.

The content of the application for the Register is stipulated by a special form which is an integral part of the rules.

The Register of Electronic Publication Agents shall be administered by the Council for Electronic Media. The Council shall adopt a special decision on the appointment of a Council's employee as a person responsible for the administration of the Register.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.