
[DE] New System for Film Production Promotion

IRIS 2006-8:1/17

Nicola Weißenborn

Institute of European Media Law (EMR), Saarbrücken/Brussels

When it adopted the draft budget for 2007, the Federal Government also decided to take steps to support the German film industry. From 2007, as part of a project entitled “ Anreiz zur Stärkung der Filmproduktion in Deutschland ” (incentive to strengthen film production in Germany), the Government will provide EUR 60 million of film aid per year for the duration of the parliamentary term. Under the proposed rebate system, which is similar to the one introduced in Great Britain in April this year, film producers will be reimbursed between 15% and 20% of production costs spent in Germany. The sum will be refunded in cash by the FFA (Film Support Institute).

The purpose of this measure is to make the German film industry competitive at international level and to create conditions similar to those in other EU countries.

The Government’s decision follows a proposal devised by a working group chaired by the Minister for Culture and Media, Bernd Neumann, and comprising experts from different branches of the film industry. The group's next task is to develop the individual criteria for the allocation of the new funding.

The system is set to come into force on 1 January 2007.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.