
[CZ] Switchover to DVB

IRIS 2006-6:1/10

Jan Fučík

Česká televize

The decision on the allocation of the first Czech multiplexes has been taken. The invitation for tenders for two digital networks in the Czech Republic was issued about 16 months ago. However, before a decision was taken, the findings made during the DVB-T trials concerning public acceptance and the technical functionality of digital terrestrial television had to be included in the practical planning process. Indeed, part of the responsibility that falls to the regulatory body in its efforts to drive forward the introduction of DVB-T is to deal with the commercial and financial framework for digitisation. Six licences were granted. Existing channels covering the whole of the Czech Republic were automatically included in one of the two multiplexes. The new broadcasters also include several specialist channels (music, news, film, regional). A third multiplex is reserved for public service broadcasters.

In the meantime the legal framework for DVB-T has also been established. The Czech Parliament has adopted a proposal to amend the Media Act in order to clear the way for the switchover to DVB in the Czech Republic. The Act contains new definitions, including legal definitions of the terms "full programme", "EPG", "electronic communication network" and "broadcasting services". Internet broadcasting is not regarded as a form of broadcasting. New guidelines concerning broadcasting concentration in the digital sector are also added. Broadcasters who give back their analogue capacities in accordance with a technical switchover plan will be given an additional licence for digital broadcasting. The responsibilities of the Broadcasting Council and the Telecommunications Office have been redistributed in order to separate completely the regulation of content and regulation of transmission. An exact switch-off date has not yet been set.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.