[NL] Dutch Media Act Amended
IRIS 2005-10:1/32
Mara Rossini
Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam
As of 1 September 2005, amendments to the Mediawet (Dutch Media Act) introduced by a bill adopted in mid-July have entered into force. The bill modifies the organizational infrastructure of the national public broadcasting service with a view to a more efficient coordination of supervisory, administrative and professional procedures. The Supervisory Board has for example been given a new structure (art. 18a) and a new advisory organ has been set up (art. 18c). A “negligence provision” has been introduced (art. 30a) as well as “performance-based” contracts (art. 30b). The former is designed to hold the umbrella organization accountable for any future negligence in overseeing the three main bodies it regroups (the Supervisory Board, the Administrative Board and the new advisory organ) that might fail to adequately fulfil the goals of the public broadcasting service. The latter measures the public broadcasting service's programme supply and audience reach in accordance with predetermined agreements. As far as financial means are concerned, the Administrative Board will dispose of 25 % of the total allocated budget, which can be used to enhance the public broadcasting service's programming in particular with regard to the public service mission it fulfils and cultural considerations (increase of programmes dedicated to theatre, film, opera, classical music…).
- Wet van 16 Juli 2005, houdende wijziging van de Mediawet in verband met het bevorderen van een gezamenlijke strategie en duidelijke regie met betrekking tot de programmering van de landelijke publieke omroep, alsmede het aanbrengen van een helderder afbakening tussen toezicht, bestuur en professionele werkprocessen binnen de organisatie van de landelijke publieke omroep
- Act of 16 July 2005 amending the Media Act with a view to promoting a common strategy and clear direction with regard to public broadcasting service programming, as well as indicating a clearer definition of tasks between supervision, administration and professional procedures within the organization of the national public broadcasting service
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.