
[ES] Intersectorial Commission on the Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights

IRIS 2005-10:1/21

Cristina Troya

Enrich Advocats - Copyr@it, Barcelona

On 13 October 2005 the Royal Decree 1228/2005 setting up the Intersectorial Commission on the infringement of Intellectual Property Rights entered into force. The creation of this Commission is one of the measures included in the Integral Plan of the Spanish Government against Piracy, which was adopted on 26 April 2005 (see IRIS 2005-6: 12).

The Commission's main objective is to coordinate operations among the public administration, organisations defending Intellectual Property Rights and organisations defending social interests, who together will carry out studies and activities aimed at implementing the Integral Plan against Piracy.The Commission will be composed of representatives fom the national government, Autonomous Communities, local entities, consumers' organisations, the communications and technology industry and collecting societies.

Some of the functions of the Commission are to:

- establish activities and measures to implement the Integral Plan against Piracy;

- collaborate with public and private organisations at national and international levels;

- create institutional campaigns to raise awareness about the need to protect Intellectual Property Rights;

- elaborate educational programmes aimed at public and private agents responsible for law enforcement;

- be informed about statistics on activities carried out against the infringement of Intellectual Property rights.


  • Real Decreto 1228/2005, de 13 de octubre, por el que se crea y regula la Comisión intersectorial para actuar contra las actividades vulneradoras de los derechos de propiedad intelectual, BOE núm. 258 de 28 de Octubre de 2005
  • Royal Decree 1228/2005 setting up the Intersectorial Commission on the infringement of Intellectual Property Rights, Official Journal no. 258 of 28 October 2005

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.