
[FI] Permission Needed for Appeals over Decisions Concerning Retrospective Television Fees and Inspection Fees

IRIS 2005-9:1/39

Marina Österlund-Karinkanta

Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE, EU and Media Unit

On 2 September 2005, Laki valtion televisio- ja radiorahastosta annetun lain 36 §:n muuttamisesta (Act on the Amendment of Section 36 in the Act on the State Television and Radio fund) was ratified. This Act entered into force on 1 October 2005.

A new subsection was added to the act. The new text states that appeals concerning decisions to collect retrospective television licence fees can be submitted to the Supreme Administrative Court, if the Supreme Administrative Court gives permission to appeal.

Previously an appeal could be made without any restrictions. Since the fees in question represent very small economic amounts, it was considered appropriate that a permission to appeal should be necessary. The retrospective television fee is a double television fee for a maximum period of one year, during which a television set has been used without the payment of a television fee. However, the fee is at least EUR 60. The inspection fee is EUR 100.


  • Laki valtion televisio- ja radiorahastosta annetun lain 36 §:n muuttamisesta
  • Act No. 713/2005 of 2 September 2005

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.