
[DE / NZ] Co-production Agreement Signed

IRIS 2005-3:1/34

Kathrin Berger

Institute of European Media Law (EMR), Saarbrücken/Brussels

New Zealand and Germany signed a joint film agreement in Wellington on 9 February 2005.

A committee including representatives of the film, TV and video industries will be set up to implement the agreement.

The purpose of the agreement is to promote economic and cultural co-operation between the two countries. Provided they meet certain conditions, joint productions involving German and New Zealand film-makers will be treated as national productions in both countries. This means that financial support can also be claimed in both countries.


  • Abkommen zwischen der Regierungen von Deutschland und Neuseeland über die Koproduktion von Filmen vom 9. Februar 2005
  • Co-production agreement between Germany and New Zealand of 9 February 2005

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.