
[HR] Minimum Standards Adopted for Broadcasters

IRIS 2005-2:1/27

Thorsten Ader

Institute of European Media Law (EMR), Saarbrücken/Brussels

The Croatian Minister of Culture has laid down a series of conditions for broadcasters that will be taken into account in future licensing procedures. Broadcasters will need to prove they have enough starting capital to cover their broadcasting costs for the first three months of operation. Business plans will also have to be produced, giving detailed information about broadcasters' sources of income. Broadcasting companies will also have to appoint a chief editor, who may also be a company director or manager. Broadcasters are obliged to employ journalists on full-time permanent contracts. There are also detailed provisions on the size of broadcasters' premises. Local radio stations, for example, must have at least 25 m of floor space, while national channels require at least 90 m . Depending on the size of their transmission area, TV channels need between 50 and 100 m . As part of future licensing procedures, broadcasters must demonstrate to the Council for Electronic Media (the Croatian regulator) that they meet these conditions. Under transitional provisions, existing licence-holders must conform to these standards within a year.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.