
[IE] The Broadcasting (Funding) Scheme

IRIS 2005-1:1/42

Anne Yliniva-Hoffmann

Institute of European Media Law (EMR), Saarbrücken/Brussels

The Broadcasting Commission of Ireland ( Choimisiún Craolacháin na hÉireann ) issued regulations on 8 December 2004 on the funding of Irish broadcasting. The Broadcasting (Funding) Act of 2003 obliged the BCI to develop a funding system and the draft scheme for consultation was published by the authority on 23 August 2004 (see IRIS 2004-9: 12).

The core objectiveof the scheme is to increase public access to high-quality radio and television programmes in English and Irish which explore the themes of Irish culture, heritage and experience in contemporary or historical contexts. Another aim is to promote adult literacy. Thematically, the scheme covers television and radio programmes. All genres of programming with the exception of news or reports predominantly on current affairs are supported. Funds are allocated on the basis of (flexible) guidelines developed by the BCI, the applications made and the support objectives pursued. In general, the funding will cover 65-95% of total costs. The application and assessment processes must be open, equitable and verifiable and conducted in accordance with the rules published by the BCI. Applicants receive a formal letter informing them that their application for funds has been accepted and reasons are given if an application is turned down.

After three years in operation, the scheme was examined for the first time in 2007 with regard to its impact and effectiveness. One finding was that, in the period reviewed, a total of EUR 46.2 million was invested in the funding of 490 radio and television productions and that there was a steady increase in demand for funding. The bulk of supported productions were documentaries, followed by drama and features. About a third of the supported TV productions and around 14% of the radio productions were either bilingual or in Irish.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.