
[AL] Approval of European Convention on Transfrontier Television

IRIS 2005-1:1/9

Hamdi Jupe

Albanian Media Monitoring Center

On 5 November 2004 the Government of the Republic of Albania approved the draft law "On the ratification of the Protocol of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television" The Protocol aims at the development of conditions for TV broadcasting. It envisages that the Member States have to ensure that broadcasting can be received. They also have to ensure, by the necessary means within their jurisdiction, that a considerable proportion of broadcasting time is reserved for European works. The aim of the draft law is to underline the importance that the freedom of expression and information, as embodied in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, constitutes one of the essential principles of a democratic society. It is important for the development of culture and the free formation of opinions. The aim is to create conditions that will safeguard pluralism and equality of opportunity among all persons, especially regarding the use of satellite capacities for television and radio.


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  • Press Release of the Spokesman of the Government of Republic of Albania, 6 November 2004

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.