[IE] Broadcasting Funding Scheme Launched
IRIS 2004-9:1/25
Marie McGonagle
School of Law, National University of Ireland, Galway
The Broadcasting (Funding) Act 2003 (see IRIS 2004-2: 13) provided that five per cent of the net income from television licence fees would be set aside to be used for funding certain television and radio programmes. The Act required the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI) to prepare a scheme(s) for such funding. The draft scheme was launched by the BCI on 23 August 2004. In accordance with the Act (s.2), the scheme will apply to new programmes on Irish culture, heritage and experience and new programmes to improve adult literacy. It will support such programmes in the Irish language as well as those in English. The fund will also be used to support the development of an archive of programme material produced in the State. The Act (s.2(2)) stipulates that the scheme may only fund programmes carried on a free television service which provides near universal coverage in the State or on a cable or MMD system (MMD is the multipoint microwave distribution system used in less populated areas of the country) as part of a community content contract. The objectives of the scheme, as set out in the Act (s.3), include developing and increasing the availability of high-quality cultural and heritage programmes and developing local and community broadcasting. The BCI in launching the scheme said that the funding provides an important opportunity for the production and broadcast of programming which, through financial constraint, might not otherwise be made. The draft scheme is available for public consultation until 27 September.
- "Draft Broadcasting (Funding) Scheme Launched", Press Release of 23 August 2004
- Draft Law on the Amendment and Supplementation of the Electronic Communications Act
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.