[SI] Steps towards Cut-off of Analogue Television
IRIS 2004-6:1/33
Rainer Großhans
Institute of European Media Law (EMR), Saarbrücken/Brussels
Agencija za telekomunikacije, radiodifuzijo in poto Republike Slovenije (Telecommunications, Radio and Post Regulatory Agency, ATRP) in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications is currently attempting to develop a plan for introducing digital broadcasting into the country. One of the major issues concerning the regulation of the transition period in 2008 arises from the fact that the national public broadcasting authority RTV Slovenija could be both the owner of the infrastructure as well as the major provider of digital terrestrial TV services.
Prior to launching a digital, countrywide, terrestrial television service RTV Slovenia has made progress regarding technical aspects. For example, since October 2000, tests have been performed in Krim, near the capital city of Ljubljana. According to ATRP, plans exist to expand these tests to a second transmitting station also near Ljubljana to test network extension.
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.