
[AL] Amendments on the Law on Cinematography

IRIS 2004-3:1/35

Hamdi Jupe

Albanian Media Monitoring Center

On 3 March 2004, the Parliament of the Republic of Albania approved some amendments on the Law on Cinematography of 1996. The amendments were introduced due to the new conditions of the market economy and the need of changes in general.

The law now defines clearly the tasks of the National Center of Cinematography, an independent institution engaged with the stimulation and financing of films through funds of the State budget. The Center approves and finances projects for the production of new movies, and also plays an important role in the development of the cinematographic landscape in Albania. An artistic council, which is proposed by the producers' associations and approved by the Minister of Culture, is selecting the best artistic projects which will be funded.

According to the amendments of the law, the Center's task will be not only the production of new movies, but also the promotion and distribution of the movies within the country and abroad. The amendments also provide rules on the relation between the authors, producers and movie' distributors in the country.

The Albanian cinematography was established in 1952. During the political transition, it has been facing financial and artistic difficulties. There are more than 30 private movies companies in Albania, but their activity is very limited.

Albafilm is a shareholder company of the movie production, where the Albanian state holds 100 % of the stocks. It is a successor of Shqipëria e Re, the only cinematographic institution during the communist regime, which produced up to 14 feature-length movies per year.

For 2005, the Albanian Parliament has approved a budget of ALL 94.600.000 (about EUR 750.000) for the activities of the National Center of Cinematography.


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  • Law of 3 March 2004 on Some Amendments of the Law on Cinematography No. 8096 of 21. March 1996

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.