United Kingdom

[GB] ITC Imposes Financial Penalties on MTV Europe

IRIS 1995-9:1/16

Ad van Loon

European Audiovisual Observatory

The members of the Independent Television Commission decided on 14 September this year that the satellite channel, MTV Europe, should be required to pay financial penalties totalling £ 60,000 for three breaches of the ITC's Programme and Advertising Codes. The penalties incurred upon MTV Europe were based on the breach of Section 1.5 (i) of the Programme Code which states that material unsuitable for children must not be broadcast at times when large numbers of children may be expected to be watching. The terms of the MTV Europe licence require that the ITC's Codes are observed. Under Sections 41(1) and 45(5) and (6) of the Broadcasting Act 1990, the ITC has the discretion to impose a maximum penalty of £ 50,000 for any breach of licence by a cable or satellite programme company. This is the first occasion on which the ITC has levied a financial penalty on a non-domestic satellite licensee.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.