[FR] Contribution of Public Audio-visual Communication Companies to Campaigns of General Interest Appealing to the Generosity of the Public
IRIS 1995-9:1/14
Laurence Giudicelli
Barrister, Paris Court of Appeal
The circular, dated 12 September 1995, specifies the conditions according to which the different non-profitmaking organisations which organise each year campaigns of general interest appealing to the generosity of the public may ask for help from public sector audio-visual communication companies (radio or television).
- Circulaire au concours de sociétés du secteur public de la communication audiovisuelle aux campagnes d'intéret général faisant appel la générosité publique du 12 septembre 1995: Journal Officiel de la République française du 22 septembre 1995, p.13890.
- Circular on the contribution of public sector audiovisual communication companies to campaigns of general interest appealing to the generosity of the public of 12 September 1995. Journal Officiel de la Republique française of 22 September 1995, p. 13890.
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.