
[CZ] Czech Television Code Approved

IRIS 2003-8:1/15

Jan Fučík

Česká televize

On 2 July 2003, the First Chamber of the Czech Parliament approved a code for the public service broadcaster Ceská televize (Czech Television - CT), which, in accordance with Article 8 (1c) of the Czech Television Act, had been drawn up by the CT Director General and approved by the CT Council.

The code is designed to set out and establish the principles for the operation of public service television and thus become an effective instrument for ensuring that the objectives of public service television are fulfilled. The code's provisions apply to CT and its employees, including those recruited on a contractual basis. Breaches of the code are treated as disciplinary offences and may result in dismissal.

According to the law and the code, CT plays a part in the process of the free formation of opinion and is thus under an obligation to the general public. Its programmes must, in accordance with the relevant programme category, help to provide comprehensive information and contribute to the free formation of individual and collective opinions. They must provide education, advice and entertainment and fulfil the cultural remit of television. They should contribute to social cohesion and take into account in an appropriate manner the whole spectrum of views present in society. They should therefore include programmes of interest to society which, under purely economic considerations, would not normally be broadcast. CT must also lay down quality standards. This part of the remit of public service television is developed further in the code, which is to serve as a reference point for decisions taken in relation to practical questions and problems.

The code also establishes a CT ethics committee, the members of which will be appointed by the CT Director General. Its tasks are to protect freedom of opinion and independence and to draft reports on programming issues.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.