[NO] New Rules for Local Broadcasting
IRIS 1995-8:1/38
Liv Daae Gabrielsen
Statens Medieforvaltning
Norway is drafting new rules for local broacasting which will apply as from 1 January 1996 onwards. On that date, all present licences for local broadcasting will expire and all local broadcasters will have to apply for a new licence. Licences granted to local radio broadcasters will be limited to a five year period; those granted to local television broadcasters, to a seven year period. The Mass Media Authority will grant only one licence for local television per geographical area. More licences per geographical area may be granted to local radio broadcasters, especially in the case of ideological organisations. The present delimitation of geographical areas will be either enlarged or limited depending on population criteria.
In the past years, the financial situation of local broadcasters has been critical; the changes made aim at an improvement of this situation.
Natural and legal persons may only be granted a licence upon the condition that they do not control more than one-third of the national market for local broadcasting.
Licences will be granted on the basis of an assessment of the applicant's financial situation, proposed programme schedule and professional qualifications.
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.