
[HR] Third Frequency of National TV to Be Privatised by October 2003

IRIS 2003-1:1/20

Kresimir Macan

HRT, Croatian Radiotelevision, Zagreb

On 9 December 2002, the Vijece za radio i televiziju ´ (Council for Radio and Television) called for a public tender to allocate the third frequency currently used by Hrvatska radiotelevizija (Croatian RadioTelevision - HRT) to a private broadcaster (see IRIS 2002-10: 9). The tender will be published in the Official Gazette and potential concessionaires should file for tender documentation within 60 days of that date. The deadline for applications is 20 May 2003. The offers will be examined after 10 June 2003 and the new concessionaire shall be appointed by 1 October 2003. Thus, the deadlines for the award set by the current Law on Croatian RadioTelevision (March 2002) have not been met.


  • Council for Radio and Television, public tender for the 3rd network, 9 December 2002

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.