
[DE] Monopolies Commission Advocates Cross-Network Regulatory Body

IRIS 2002-9:1/28

Caroline Hilger


In mid-July 2002, the independent Monopolkommission (Monopolies Commission) submitted to the Bundeswirtschaftsministerium (Federal Ministry of the Economy) its 14 major report, entitled "Netzwettbewerb durch Regulierung" (network competition through regulation). One particular chapter deals with network access arrangements and proposes practical measures for future regulation of this area. A particularly significant recommendation is that a cross-sectoral regulatory authority be created for railways, energy, telecommunications and postal services in order to counteract effectively the demands made on the regulatory bodies by those subject to regulation.

The Federal Government, however, does not think such a body is needed at present. Instead, it would rather strengthen the supervisory powers of the Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartels Office) as part of the model for negotiated network access.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.