[IE] Establishment of Forum on Broadcasting
IRIS 2002-7:1/24
Candelaria van Strien-Reney
Faculty of Law, National University of Ireland, Galway
The Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands recently announced the establishment of a Forum on Broadcasting. The seven members of the Forum come from broadcasting, business, academic and arts fields.
The Minister has directed the Forum to examine a number of topics and to make recommendations on them. The topics concern the roles of public and commercial/independent broadcasting services, and whether these roles differ at national, regional and local levels; the funding of public service broadcasting ("but excluding issues specifically related to the adequacy or otherwise of the current RTÉ (Radio Telefís Éireann, the national public service broadcaster) licence fee" - see IRIS 2002-4: 7 and IRIS 2001-8: 11); the appropriate role of the independent audiovisual production sector; the responsibility - if any
- of broadcasters to develop and broadcast programmes in the Irish language and programmes with cultural content; and the responsibilities - if any - of different broadcasters to make and conserve national audiovisual heritage.
In carrying out its work, the Forum is to have regard to: the need to foster an environment that encourages the establishment and maintenance of high quality Irish radio and television services; the need to ensure plurality and diversity; the current legislative framework (both Irish and EU) concerning the provision of broadcasting services; the need to protect independent and impartial journalism; and emerging trends in the technological and commercial environments.
The Forum is due to make its recommendations by 31 July 2002.
- "New Forum on Broadcasting", Press Release of the Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands, 22 March 2002
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.