United Kingdom

[GB] Consultation Paper on Regulation of the Information Superhighway

IRIS 1995-8:1/2

Tony Prosser

University of Bristol Law School

The UK telecommunications regulator has produced a consultation paper on the regulation of broadband switched mass-market services (and their substitutes) delivered by telecommunications systems. It suggests that the future form of such services is uncertain but the market is most likely to tend towards the development of broadband switched mass-market services. Although over-regulation should be avoided, potential investors need to be given an indication as to what the regulatory regime of the future is likely to look like. Successful policies from the regulation of the narrowband world can be adapted such as promoting competition and adopting different policies for dominant and non-dominant systems. The appropriateness of possible key regulatory principles is discussed in detail.

Comments are requested on all the issues raised by 30 November 1995; these may be sent by electronic mail to: press.office.OFTEL@gnet.gov.uk.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.