[PL] New Broadcasting Act Amendments Planned
IRIS 2002-5:1/11
Alexander Scheuer
Institute of European Media Law (EMR), Saarbrücken/Brussels
In mid-March, the Polish Government adopted a Bill proposing another series of amendments to the Broadcasting Act. The Parliamentary Committee for Culture is currently discussing the Bill.
As a precaution against media concentration, a new rule is to be introduced, banning simultaneous ownership of national television and radio stations. In addition, press companies will not be allowed to own shares in television operators, while restrictions relating to local and regional radio broadcasting licences are also planned.
It is also proposed that current rules governing the term of office of members of the Radio and Television Council should be amended. Whereas up to now, in contrast to the four-year parliamentary term, Council members have served a non-renewable six-year term, it is now proposed that they should be allowed to remain in office for a much longer period of time.
- Projekt nowelizacji ustawy o radiofonii i telewizji
- Bill to amend the Broadcasting Act, March 2002
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.