
[ES] Entry into Force of Certain Provisions of the Act of Transposition of the Directive 'Television without Frontiers'

IRIS 1995-7:1/14

Ad van Loon

European Audiovisual Observatory

The 14 July 1995 is the date of expiration of the delay for the entry into force of the articles of the Act of transposition of the Directive "Television without frontiers", which regulate the advertisement breaks during long-run films as well as for information programmes, documentaries and children programmes.


  • Incorporación al ordenamiento jurídico español de la Directiva 89/552/CEE, sobre la coordinación de disposiciones legales, reglamentarias y adminsitrativas de los Estados miembros relativas al ejercicio de actividades de radiodifusión televisiva.
  • Act No 25/1994 of 12 July 1994 implementing the provisions of the EC Directive on “Television without frontiers".

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.