
[IE] Timescale for Deflector Licensing Scheme Extended

IRIS 2001-6:1/29

Candelaria van Strien-Reney

Faculty of Law, National University of Ireland, Galway

In May 2001, the Director of Telecommunications Regulation issued new regulations that provide for the extension of deflector licences beyond their original expiry date of 31 December 2001. The licences had been issued in April 2000, as a short-term measure (see IRIS 1997-7: 9 and IRIS 2000-5: 15), while preparations were being made for the introduction of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT). At present, there are 31 deflector licences in force.

In many rural parts of Ireland deflector services provide the only means of access to multichannel television services broadcast from the U.K. and prior to April 2000, there had been a long-running problem of unlicensed deflector systems operating in Ireland. However, the changeover to DTT, which was to have begun in 2000/2001, has taken longer than anticipated. Accordingly, the Director has permitted the extension of these licences until 31 December 2003 at the latest. This will be subject to the non-availability of DTT in the area served by the relevant deflector licensee. Once DTT is available the deflector licensing scheme will come to an end, as the spectrum used by the deflectors will be needed for DTT.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.