[CZ] New Public Broadcasting Laws on the Way
IRIS 2001-1:1/14
Alexander Scheuer
Institute of European Media Law (EMR), Saarbrücken/Brussels
At the beginning of the year, the Czech government approved a draft amendment to the Czech Television Act no.483/1991 as amended in 1995 and to the Czech Radio Act no.484/1991.
The purpose of the amendment is to revise the procedure for appointing the Director General of the public service broadcasters Ceská Televize (CT) and Cesk ´y rozhlas (CR). The appointment of a new CT Director General at the end of last year had led to mass strikes among the employees; the editorial offices and part of the production studio had also been occupied. Under the current law, the Director General is chosen by the Broadcasting Council under Article 9 (in connection with Article 5) of Act no.483/1991. The Council members, meanwhile, are proposed by the parties in government and voted in by Parliament.
In future, interested groups, churches, national minority associations and other non-governmental organisations will be able to help to choose Council members by proposing their own candidates for election.
In order to adopt the planned amendments as quickly as possible, the President of the Czech National Assembly (Parliament) declared a legislative state of emergency on 4 January. This means that Parliament can deal with the amending Act without delay. The Senate is expected to pass the Act before the end of January.
- Zákon ze dne 2001, kterym se mení zákon c. 483/1991 Sb., o Ceské televizi, ve znení pozdejsích predpis u, zákon c. 484/1991 Sb., o Ceském rozhlasu, ve znení pozdejsích predpis u a zákon c. 468/1991 Sb., o provozování rozhlasového a televizního vysílání, ve znení pozdejsích predpisu
- Act of 2001 amending Czech Television Act no.483/1991, Czech Radio Act no.484/1991 and Act no.468/1991 on radio and television broadcasting
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.