[IT] Draft Law on Copyright
IRIS 2000-7:1/28
Maja Cappello
Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (AGCOM)
On 21 June 2000 the Camera dei Deputati (Chambers of Deputies) approved the Governmental Draft Law no. C 4953bis Nuove norme di tutela del diritto d'autorei (Law on Copyright), and passed the text to the second chamber of the Parliament, the Senato della Repubblica (Senate) with no. S. 1496B for the final approval. The Draft modifies the Act Protezione del diritto d'autore e di altri diritti concessi al suo esercizio (Copyright Act no. 633/1941, in Gazz. Uff. 16 July 1941, no. 166), and specifies, as a general rule, that exclusive distribution rights apply to any long-distance infrastructure, such as telegraph, telephone, radio, television, satellite and cable transmission, even if codified. Copying from works stored in public libraries is free only if made for personal purposes, while pay copy services must not exceed 1/5 of each work. For each copy the authors must receive a minimum royalty, which will be collected by the Società Italiana degli autori ed editori (Italian Society for Authors and Editors - SIAE). The SIAE also has competence in regard to the copyright of audiovisual and cinematographic works, and is empowered, together with the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Communications Authority), to carry out the necessary proceedings aimed at checking compliance with the rules laid down in the draft. Controls will also apply to radio and television broadcasting provided by any means. Any infringement is subject to penal sanctions, which may even consist in four years imprisonment.
- Nuove norme di tutela del diritto d'autore (Stralcio degli articoli 1, 5 e da 7 a 22 del disegno di legge C4953, deliberato dall' Assemblea nella seduta del 6 ottobre 1998).
- Draft Law no. C. 4953bis, on Copyright.
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.