[FR] Publication of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television Comes into Force for France as of 1 February 1995.
IRIS 1995-6:1/11
Ad van Loon
European Audiovisual Observatory
The aim of the Convention is to facilitate transfrontier transmission and retransmission of television programme services. The Convention includes :
- general provisions relating to its field of application, freedom of reception and retransmission, undertakings made by the transmitting Parties, transparency ;
- provisions relating to programming, concerning the responsibilities of the broadcaster, the right of reply, public access to major events, cultural objectives ;
- advertising and sponsoring
- mutual assistance, the Permanent Committee, amendments and alleged breaches of this convention ; the other international agreements and national law ;
- final provisions relating to the signing, the commencement, the agreement of Non-Member States, the territorial application, reserves, termination and notifications ;
- an appendix relating to arbitration
- Décret n° 95-438 du 14 avril 1995 portant publication de la Convention Européenne sur la télévision transfrontèire (ensemble une annexe), faite à Strasbourg le 5 mai 1989 et signée par la France le 12 février 1991. Journal Officiel de la République française du 23 avril 1995.
- Decree n° 95-438 of 14 April 1995 on the publication of the European Convention on transfrontier television (see appendix), drawn up in Strasbourg on 5 May 1989 and signed by France on 12 February 1991. Journal Officiel de la République Française of 23 April 1995.
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.