United Kingdom

[GB] Regulator Recommends Banning Order for 'Adult X' Channel

IRIS 2000-4:1/14

Tony Prosser

University of Bristol Law School

The UK Independent Television Commission (ITC) has decided that the foreign satellite channel, Adult X, is an unacceptable service under the terms of the Broadcasting Act 1990 and has recommended that the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport make a proscription order to ban the marketing and sale of the service in the UK. This is the ninth time that the Commission has recommended such an order, previous cases involved Red Hot Television, TV Erotica, Rendez Vous, Satisfaction Club Television, Eurotica Rendez Vous, Eros TV, Channel Bizzarre and Satisfaction (see IRIS 1999-1 :13, IRIS 1998-9: 16).

Adult X (also known as Adult+) appears to be based in France and, according to the Commission, consists almost entirely of unacceptable pornography. It was thus considered unacceptable on the ground that it repeatedly contains material that offends against good taste and decency. The ITC was convinced that a proscription order was necessary and would be effective as steps were being taken actively to make the service available in the UK with smart cards and subscriptions being advertised and revenue being generated.

In these circumstances section 177 of the Broadcasting Act 1990 allows the Secretary of State to make a proscription order for a foreign satellite service which has the effect that it becomes a criminal offence to supply any equipment for use in connection with the operation of the service; to supply programme material or arrange for its supply; to place advertisements on the service; to publish any programme details of the service; and to supply or offer to supply any decoding equipment enabling the programmes to be received.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.