[IE] Establishment of Internet Advisory Board
IRIS 2000-3:1/28
Candelaria van Strien-Reney
Faculty of Law, National University of Ireland, Galway
On 9 March 2000, the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform announced the establishment of the Internet Advisory Board. The new Board will monitor and oversee the self-regulatory system that was recommended by the Working Group on the Illegal and Harmful Use of the Internet in July 1998. The main functions of the Board will include helping the Irish Service Provider industry to introduce codes of practice and common acceptable usage conditions, and assisting in the setting up of a hotline for reporting and investigating complaints about illegal material on the Internet (see IRIS 2000-2: 11).
Members of the Board include representatives of Government Departments, the Gardaí (Irish Police), the Internet Providers Association, Film Censor's Office, the education sector and legal experts.
- Establishment of Internet Advisory Board.
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.