United Kingdom

[GB] Regulating Communications - the Way Ahead

IRIS 1999-7:1/2

David Goldberg

deeJgee Research/Consultancy

The Departments of Trade and Culture, Media and Sport jointly published their report (on 17 June 1999) entitled "Regulating Communications: The Way Ahead". The Report is a response to the comments made to the Green Paper, "Regulating Communications: Approaching Convergence in the Information Age", which was published on 21 July 1998 ( see IRIS 1998-8: 3). The present document reports broad agreement with the evolutionary approach to regulation set out in the Green Paper, in the face of uncertainties about the timing, pace and direction of change. The Government stands by its approach to communications regulation, characterised by the terms "effective" and "flexible". The Report suggests initiatives to boost UK competitiveness and protect consumers; announces a detailed review of the regulation of commercial broadcast television and specific measures to improve co-operation between communications regulators; and specifies the steps which will be taken to lift the restriction on BT providing non-telephony services.


  • Regulating Communications: The Way Ahead.

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.