
[FI] The Act on the Openness of Government Activities

IRIS 1999-6:1/20

Marina Österlund-Karinkanta

Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE, EU and Media Unit

On 21 May 1999, the Act on the Openness of Government Activities ( Laki viranomaisten toiminnan julkisuudesta ) and 73 related Acts were confirmed. The Act will enter into force on 1 December 1999. It replaces the Act No. 83/1951 on the Publicity of Official Documents ( Laki yleisten asiakirjain julkisuudesta ).

The purpose of the reform is to increase the openness of government activities. The right of access to information will be extended. In addition to administrative authorities and the courts, the Act will also apply to State and municipal enterprises, private-law organisations, and private individuals performing functions involving the exercise of public authority or performing a function commissioned by a public authority. The authorities will have an obligation to promote openness by disseminating information on their activities and by producing relevant information material. Preparatory documents relating to decision-making will enter the public domain at the latest when the decision has been made. The authorities will also have to make available information on pending projects, e.g., by means of a project register. The authorities will have to ensure that documents essential to their activities are easily available. Access to a document is the main rule and secrecy is the exception. The criteria for secrecy are clarified and made uniform.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.