
[PL] Television Self-Regulation

IRIS 1999-5:1/16

Katarzyna B. Masłowska


At the end of February, Polish TV broadcasters, supported by the National Broadcasting Council, concluded an agreement entitled " Friendly Media " aimed at taking appropriate measures to protect minors from watching programmes which may threaten their physical, mental and moral development.

Broadcasters voluntarily commit themselves to follow strictly the rules and principles of conduct laid down therein. Physical, mental and moral health of children and adolescents is a common wealth. Being aware of the great negative impact that certain television programmes (in particular those including scenes of violence or pornography) have on minors and taking into consideration that this problem is reflected in important international and Polish legal documents, broadcasters commit themselves to respect the following principles:

- to ensure that minors are not in danger of watching programmes which are not suitable for them;

- to eliminate programmes depicting in particular brutality and violence and, at the same time, to introduce efficient control mechanisms;

- to introduce a homogenous warning system, addressed mainly to the parents of minors, as to the potential harmful effect of individual shows for specific age groups In order to achieve those targets the signatories of the Agreement undertook the obligation to carry out in-depthanalysis of all programmes to be broadcast between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m., with regard to any infringement of the above-mentioned principles. The signatories will examine in particular whether the inclusion of extreme scenes is justified by the logical content, important artistic or moral message to be conveyed while considering the differences between films and information or documentary programmes.

One of the most important tasks of the Agreement is to ensure the appropriate collaboration between broadcasters and viewers in order to facilitate parents in the selection of programmes suitable to minors' development. Therefore, " The Catalogue of Rules Underlying the Rating of TV Programmes Intended for Various Age Groups of Children and Adolescents " was accepted. The catalogue identifies four age thresholds of minors to whom certain TV programmes may be harmful (up to 7, from 7 to 12, from 12 to 15, from 15 to 18).

In order to fulfil the foregoing obligations, the Signatories agreed to establish a standing Commission, to which each of the signatories will appoint one representative.


  • Porozumienie ploskich nadawców telewizyjnych "przyjazne media".
  • Agreement of Polish Broadcasters on "Friendly Media", 25 February 1999. A Catalogue of Rules Underlying the Rating of TV Programmes Intended for Various Age Groups of Children and Adolescents.

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.