
[CH] German private station gets TV licence

IRIS 1998-7:1/23

Oliver Sidler


On 22 June 1998, the Swiss Government licensed SAT.1 Schweiz AG to broadcast a language regional television programme. This will be shown in window form on Sat.1's German programme and will mainly feature live transmission of Swiss national league A football matches, and also - at a later time - entertainment, such as game shows. The licence expires at the end of June 2008.

In addition to broadcasting in German, SAT.1 Schweiz will be required to provide live coverage of football matches, for which it holds national rights, in French and Italian in the language regions concerned. It must also cover football news in both those languages, in a separate window programme or supplementary programme. In summer 1994, the Government had refused a similar application for a window programme by RTL Schweiz. Its refusal did not, however, protect the Swiss media system, as intended. Last year, German TV stations grossed a total of 86 million Swiss francs in advertising revenue, while contributing nothing in return. The Government believes that the law offers no way of preventing such window programmes, and that granting the application will allow it to impose conditions and so exercise some control. Two per cent of gross revenue will go to support the Swiss film industry, and SRG, the Swiss radio and television service, will benefit too - as well as providing certain production facilities, it will broadcast SAT.1's football programmes in the other language regions.


  • Konzession für Sat1. Schweiz vom 22. Juni 1998.
  • Licence issued to Sat.1 Schweiz on 22 June 1998.

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.