
Council of Europe : Norway ratifies the European Convention on copyright within framework of cross-border satellite broadcasting

IRIS 1998-7:1/4

Frédéric Pinard

European Audiovisual Observatory

On 19 June 1998, Norway ratified the European Convention concerning copyright and neighbouring rights issues for cross-border satellite broadcasting. The Convention was opened up to signature on 11 May 1994. It covers satellite broadcasting of radio and television programmes. It attempts to solve the problems encountered by right holders of programmes or other formats transmitted by satellite. To achieve this, the Convention defines the criteria by which the country of satellite transmission is determined and thus the law that is to be applied for copyright and neighbouring rights issues. It also establishes a minimum level of harmonisation for protecting the various right holders.

The Convention will come into effect after its ratification by seven States, of which at least five must be members of the Council of Europe. Norway is the first State to ratify this international text.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.