Council of Europe adopts Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence

IRIS 2024-6:1/11

Justine Radel-Cormann

European Audiovisual Observatory

Adopted on 17 May 2024, the Council of Europe’s Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law (Convention on AI) ensures that the development and deployment of AI respect fundamental human rights and democratic values. This Convention, set to open for signature on 5 September 2024, underscores the global dimension of AI governance and the need for international cooperation.

The Convention on AI will apply to those states that choose to sign it (signatories). The text contains general principles and obligations, setting standards with regard to AI systems, and requires from the signatories that they adopt or maintain measures to give effect to the Convention on AI. Those measures aim to ensure respect for human rights and democratic values in the activities within the lifecycle of AI systems. 

The text defines an “artificial intelligence system” as “a machine-based system that for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations or decisions that may influence physical or virtual environments. Different artificial intelligence systems vary in their levels of autonomy and adaptiveness after deployment.” (Article 2)

Signatories shall:

i) apply the Convention on AI to the activities within the lifecycle of AI systems undertaken by public authorities

ii) address risks and impacts arising from activities within the lifecycle of AI systems undertaken by private operators

Signatories shall, for activities within the lifecycle of AI systems, ensure various measures such as: 

- The protection of human rights (Article 4) 

- Respect for democratic processes (e.g. fair access to and participation in public debate) (Article 5)

- Respect for human dignity (Article 6)

- Transparent requirements tailored to the specific contexts and risks of the AI system, including with regard to the identification of content generated by AI (Article 8) 

- The protection of privacy and personal data (Article 11)

The Convention includes exceptions for national security, research and development, and national defence.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.