
[FR] Signature of a global partnership between Prime Video and LaScam

IRIS 2024-5:1/6

Eric Munch

European Audiovisual Observatory

On 22 April 2024, Prime Video and LaScam (Société civile des auteurs multimédia, a collective management organisation for multi-media authors) signed a licensing agreement for France, Belgium and Luxembourg, which allows Prime Video to use the LaScam repertoire of works on its video-on-demand (VOD) service.

In its press release, LaScam announced that the agreement foresees an appropriate and proportional remuneration for authors affiliated with LaScam and those from other organisation with which LaScam is bound by reciprocity agreements. The agreement enshrines Prime Video and LaScam’s shared commitment to support authors of audiovisual works in France and Europe, in particular with its retroactive character, as it covers the period between Prime Video’s launch in France in December 2016 to – at least – 2025.

LaScam has also signed an inter-professional agreement from 1 December 2022, previously signed by several other organisations representing authors and producers (AnimFrance, SATEV, SEDPA, SPI, USPA and SACD) and Prime Video, in which the latter committed to invest 5% of its financing obligations in France towards the making of documentaries. Among Prime Video's other commitments are its commitments to have 85% of the financing obligation go towards works in original French expression and 70% towards independent productions. The other signatories commit to promote gender parity, to fight against discriminations in the audiovisual industry, as well as to facilitate the green transition in the sector and the access to audiovisual works for the deaf or hard of hearing and visually-impaired persons.

In its press release, LaScam welcomes Prime Video’s commitment towards the documentary genre as a form of recognition of the growing success of the genre and of real-life work in France and internationally.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.